Sunday, November 5, 2017

Pipilotti Rist: What She Said!

"Come early, come with your own toolbox"."Often we think the grass is greener in the other garden".
"I would give my hand to see what you see".
"You have to bring innocents with knowledge".
"Never forget we are animals".
"I want us all to spit on our mobile phones".
"Let you be caressed by the light".
"Try to treat cables like an organisational structure".
"The judgment is with you".
"You are not consuming the art, you are consumed".
"To be creative means to overcome fear".
"I’m sorry I need to calm down".
"I’m more interested in inner pictures so I never try to compete with high resolution".
"Clouds are white because they are full of colour".
"Art’s sake is to sharpen the senses".
"The sun is the biggest projector".

Pipilotti (Elizabeth) Rist
Keynote Lecture: Sip My Ocean
MCA, Syney